
What Hasn't Changed

ED & V: LEFT, 1991 - RIGHT, 2007

A lot of things have changed in 16 years - but I've always known Ed will be an awesome father. Here are my top 10 reasons:

10. GREAT TASTE: He fell in love with me despite the (1991) glasses.
9. SERVANT HEART: He does food prep and cleans the bathroom.
8. CONFIDENCE: He can respectfully disagree with people.
7. GENEROSITY: He runs errands for friends when they're stressed.
6. HUGE BRAIN: He knows the difference between bugs and insects.
5. INTEGRITY: He censors movies for us - and he's always right.
4. PLAYFUL: He's already collecting great children's movies and CDs.
3. RESPONSIBLE: He's purchased and installed plastic outlet covers.
2. LOVES KIDS: He'll watch friends' kids - by himself when needed.
1. FAITH: He always knows it's going to be okay; he trusts God.

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Congratulations, Ed, with all my heart! There's nowhere else I'd rather be...


LS said...

This is so touching! Ed will be a wonderful dad and you will be such a great and incredible mom! I can't believe you've known each other from such a young age! How neat to have 16 years of memories!
Lindsey (your cousin's wife in WY)

Kara Jo said...

Amen! Ed's going to be a great dad! Likewise to you, V, on the mom front.

P.S. There's a difference between bugs and insects???
P.P.S. You HAVE come a long way on the fashion scene. Got a chuckle out of the glasses. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks hon, I love you so much. We're going to be a good team.

Bren said...

Isn't that what you still look like? You will both always be that age in my mind! I am so glad that Ed still lights your fire!

Anonymous said...

Aw, you two...so cute. V, as an aside, can you please quit posting such deep and wonderful things so I have an appropriate opportunity to express my candy preference for winning the contest? Thanks in advance. :)

Pam said...

Hey wait...I think those are the same glasses Andy wore in 91'. Must have been a low-trend year.

Anonymous said...

I have just one thing to say regarding Ed and being a dad.....me daughter refers to Ed as 'my friend Ed' as opposed to 'my parent's friend Ed'. Ed, you rock! I think E's going to be a little jealous, though.;-)
