
Attack of the Giant Squid: Episode 2

RECAP: I'm not recapping anything. If you were too lazy to check yesterday's post, now's your chance to redeem yourself and get in on the fun. If you're still alive and you leave a comment, you might even make it into Episode 3... if you're (un)lucky.

P.S. See yesterday's comments for an exciting (and educational) update on Groovy. She's like Jonah with a cell phone!


The city looks like a war-zone. Officials have done their best to keep order by meticulously placing yellow ‘CAUTION’ tape around the sites of whole buildings plunged into the sub-peninsula like massive sink-holes. But still, the squid are hungry, determined and, sadly, undeterred by the ‘CAUTION’ tape. There is an alarming shortage of hygiene facilities and Kristi, Erin and Swampy-Rah have trekked grueling miles (Erin being lured along by Halloween candy) to find an in-tact library with functional men’s and women’s restrooms. (BRUCE: “This will not be pretty.”).

The camera shot is split, centered on the wall between the men’s and women’s bathrooms. Kristi and Swampy joke loudly about global warming through the cement barrier of opposing stalls as, in the background, the spry and stunningly beautiful Erin stands at the mirror wiping a spot of chocolate from her lip - and watching her belly. A close-up of her abdomen shows baby’s (surprisingly long) arm sliding gracefully beneath the smooth rounded surface. (Begin suspenseful underlying motif).

Suddenly, the camera pans beneath the toilet stalls to show two powerful, slime-covered tentacles inching up the sewer drains, closer and closer to their unsuspecting victims. Kristi and Swampy scream with laughter in response to a mildly derisive yet hilarious comment Erin has made about the environmentally-conscious Al Gore… but alas, the screams abruptly change tone as the screen goes black.

The camera cuts to Erin, covered in Halloween candy and swinging from a gigantic pink tentacle, screaming, “Hey camera guy - are you getting this?!? Hey – up here! I’m really, authentically scared - see? (Grimacing in feigned terror…) Arrrgghhh!!!...”

-Be sure to return for the climactic 'Episode 3' on tomorrow's post... Survivors should prepare to be…scared squidless!-

P.P.S. Got a better title than 'Episode 2'? Let's hear'em! Winner gets 1 free bag of your choice of Halloween candy... serious!


Anonymous said...

How about "DO NOT Go In There!"

Get it, like you've stunk up the bathroom? Maybe I just think it's funny because I've lived it. A funny, sad, and expositional view of my personal life all at the same time.

-V- said...

Thanks for sharing, Paul. Best wishes as you work that all out...

Anonymous said...

Title: how about "Cephalopods, Shmephalopods."

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea
"On Squid row"

I am so sick of crab
I'm ready to.....Blah ha ah

cell phones going dead, great

kristi noser said...

Vonda, I can't believe you killed me with my pants down.

kristi noser said...

Here's my title offering:

"Squiddin' in the boy's room"

I take Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

erin said...

So wait...am I a survivor of Squid Hard 2 or not?
I guess I'll have to wait for Episode 3: Squid Hard 3.

I like Smarties.

-V- said...

You're dead. Sorry, Erin. Nice title though.

erin said...

Oh well.
My 15 minutes rocked.

NoOtherName said...

Crying from laughter again.

Now THAT's a way to go out, ain't it, Swampy-Rah?