
My Haven

Yesterday, Ed and I and the boys did our last 'Perch Lake' afternoon of the season (it's a county park that closes Wednesday). One last swim-fest for the yellow fuzzy ones, and then a final farewell to all the trails until spring.

Perch Lake is my secret haven. For 4 years, it's been my Friday hide-away; my own little niche in the world, from where I can savor every last succulent drop of the passing seasons. It's the first place I dip my toes in the spring, supports my happy flotation device all summer, and colors my dreams come fall. I know all its secrets and it knows mine, and (unlike the sacred cookies), I find great joy in sharing it.

How sweet, for the first time this fall, to imagine that we could be pulling a little dark-eyed angel in a wagon on these trails next year. Felt like the colored leaves were clapping and laughing for us as they fell. Sometimes there's sweetness at the end of a season.


theswamphare said...

There's an expression in Farsi; "Cheshm'tun Gashange" It translates "You have beautiful eyes but it means that the beauty that you see is not from it but from the way your eyes impart it beauty.

I like knowing that your lake is there for your beauty.


zcoffeegirl said...

Beautifully said, Swampy. I believe it is very fitting for our friend.

Bren said...

You have much more articulate friends now. I feel like I was sitting with you and saying good bye to summer, not yet to fall, but to lakes and fun.

Bren said...
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-V- said...

'Cheshm'tun Gashange', friends. Thank you. May our eyes always reflect His light and beauty...

kristi noser said...

I love Perch Lake. So quiet and beautiful.

LadyD said...

What a beautiful thought- You bring tears to my eyes when you speak of your girl- Although the visits to the lake my still be beautiful - they surely won't be as quiet next year with a 3 year old!!!! I know mine talk non-stop at that age- how fun, L.

Kara Jo said...

I'm just tickled at the thought of you pulling little Eva in a wagon at Perch Lake next year. You'll all take in a crisp Fall afternoon as the leaves crunch under your feet, the dogs romp to and fro, and the breezes blow through your hair. You will offer many praises and thanks to God, your Creator and tender Father.

I must say I am chuckling at the mention of your flotation device. You and your flotation device...not a raft, mind you.