

"Brouhaha" is one of those silly words that makes me giggle like a 3 yr. old. We English speakers have to make up phrases like "ruffled feathers" or "stirred the pot" to fully communicate such a concept; the French just devote a whole (hilarious-sounding!) word to it. Also, it's one of those words that's super fun to use, OR misuse - whichever you happen to prefer:

1. Dolores ruffled some feathers at ladies' Bible study as she bravely displayed the skull and crossbones tattoo on her BROUHAHA.
2. Duncan showed no mercy to the stuffed doggie bed; a few bedraggled pieces of BROUHAHA were all that remained.
3. V created quite the BROUHAHA in her blogging community by posting a picture of her feverishly styled bangs at age 13.

The picture's coming; this is just to whet your appetite.

What's your favorite silly word?


Robert said...

I like 'monkey's' as in a barrel of...Monkeys are funny.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure it gets much better than the word "tommyrot." I hope to use it as a comprehensive, one-word rebuttal in a heated public debate at some point in my life. I would yell it just like this: "TOMmyrot!" And I would slam my fist down on the podium.

And jut out my chin.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's got ha ha built right in!

Kittywampus - I don't even know how to spell it, but I actually used it the other day. And I specifically remember learning the word and the concept in kindergarten.

Tia said...

Whoops-a-daisie...is my favorite. Probably cuz daisy is my favorite flower.

My Kristi-ese favorites are:

Oh my stars and shut the front door

Bren said...

My Gracie came up with her own names that we call each other - which are krana and kopeka. I like those.

zcoffeegirl said...

"stinkin linkin".....long story
"damage" (my brother calls is Christian swearing)

-V- said...

Ha! Great words, everyone; thanks for playing! I'm in the mood to try to work them in to coming posts (but reserve the right to change my mood), so keep your eyes peeled!

Anonymous, I'm thinking your use of "TOMmyrot!" as described herein could effectively fuel a BROUHAHA! You go! Any may your podium be strong and your chin bone intimidating. ;-)

Bren said...

Side note - our swear words at our house are much different than most. The D word is dumb, the S word is stupid - so here is my story. I told Yvonne that I was having a bad day and using the F word a lot so Steve was encouraging me to work off my anger by spinning. Yvonne says the Bible says we should not use language like that and I said the F word in our house is fat. We had a good laugh at that.

-V- said...

LOL!! Bren - I think you just inspired another blog post - great job!! ;-)

theswamphare said...

'sebaceous' or perhaps 'glad-rags'


Kara Jo said...

I've never heard of tommyrot before...
I like phandangled--no idea how to spell it. Our dictionary's still packed from the move 7 months ago, and I don't know how to do spell check on a blog.
For Christian swearing, I like "crud in a bucket," courtesy of noothername.

erin said...

: )

Emunah said...
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Emunah said...

Ha! That thing about Dolores with the tattoo was hilarious!

My favorite is "perspicacity" meaning "keenness of mental perception and understanding."
My second favorite is "Oh, BOTHER!" Love this post, V!

Anonymous said...

just love saying it. can't say it and NOT smile!! fun to see all these words, totally put a smile on my face this morning (much needed).