
God and Art

QUOTE FOR TODAY: "In the creative act we can experience the same freedom we know in dreams. This happens as I write a story. I am bound by neither time nor space... When we are writing, or painting, or composing, we are, during the time of creativity, freed from normal restriction, and are opened to a wider world, where colours are brighter, sounds clearer, and people more wondrously complex than we normally realize." -Madeleine l'Engle-


Once, at a worship conference, Tom Kraeuter played some basic chords and invited us all to sing out freely, making up whatever melodies we wanted to sing to Jesus. He compared this to a child's homemade card; not polished - but crafted and submitted purely out of love for the One receiving it. Out of this exercise rose some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard; not in unison, but so united...

I love that. Like a homemade card. That's how I feel about writing (even if it's just about silly squid!) - and singing. What kind of activities set you free and make you lose track of time, like a little kid at play? Our Abba's all over that stuff, I think...


erin said...

Definitely writing, singing (in the car to Richard and my baby) and playing the piano. (Not that I'm very good at any of them.) And reading someting REALLY good. Very little feels better than something really beautifully written.
Sorry to be a copycat, but it seems we're a lot alike, lady. Aside from that whole Introvert/Extrovert thing... : )

Good post.

-V- said...

Erin - I also play the piano and am a book-worm. And there's at least one additional similarity I can think of... more to come on that. :-) We should get together more often!

Bren said...

You are still a great writer! I love to laugh and see others laugh.
I hope you are well!

-V- said...

Brenda - it's SO great to hear from you! I will respond to your email also... Hope you are well also, and hope to see you guys again soon!

Pam said...

I enjoy painting. Especially when the kids are happily playing and I can sit at the kitchen table in the afternoon, lost in colors, creating a picture of a place I love.