
Attack of the Giant Squid: Episode 1

Had one of those dreams the other night where you wish someone was inside your head with a video camera. Come to think of it… some of you were in the dream; where were your video cameras?!?

A bunch of us had agreed to be extras in a cheesy horror flick; we eagerly arrived on set as filming began. The premise of the film was: a school of gargantuan jumbo squid off the tip of Florida began to stray into underwater cavern systems due to some kind of (unexplained) global warming phenomenon. In their search for food, the vicious carnivores began crumbling sub-peninsular geostructure, exploding through the sandy, Floridian surface to claim random victims… us. (Picture the classic, ‘Tremors’, with squid; not worms).

Now, in lieu of planning scenes and creating a script, the young and enterprising Director (Snikpod) schemed to have us all run amok throughout the set, which was the size of a small city. The vision was to increase the feel of authenticity in the film by intermittently plunging extras through the floor of the set in a flurry of massive, waving (mechanical) tentacles – while simultaneously capturing our terrified outbursts and facial expressions on film. Critics applauded his genius, and the film was highly anticipated.


‘Groovy’ and ‘NoOtherName’ sit face to face in a mall food court, enjoying lunch and weather-oriented conversation. Groovy mentions a circling internet rumor about giant squid living beneath the Floridian peninsula, and the two of them glee in mocking the ridiculous claim. (BRUCE: “They’re dead.”). Suddenly, the camera pans down to their chair-legs, now encircled with the slime-draped tips of massive pink tentacles which had somehow (silently) protruded from the tiled floor. NoOtherName notices the menace first and screams for help as another tentacle winds itself around Groovy’s foot. NoOtherName is miraculously pulled from her sinking chair by a Samaritan food court patron – just in the nick of time. But, alas, the shrieking Groovy is not as fortunate…

-Stay tuned for another dreamy episode on tomorrow's blog post! (You might turn out to be the second course in this not-so-bloody squid feast...)-


kristi noser said...

That dream was all because of the worms on the driveway.

erin said...

IhopeI'minit, IhopeI'minit, IhopeI'minit! And covered in fake blood! And surprisingly spry for a pregnant woman. And of course, stunningly beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Well you know, I did take a film class once. Imagine, me as a director. Definitely don't have the decisive qualities required. Erin, you can be in the film. I'll have to check with my casting director. V, who is the casting director in the dream? Louis Pasteur?

-V- said...

Hmm - well... considering this is a DREAM, I'm going to go with Sigmund Frued for casting director. No one's parents are allowed to be casted though... and everyone quit denying your squid envy.

Erin, your day's a comin' - better watch your back... (or perhaps, in your case, your belly)... :-)

Anonymous said...

Since it's a dream, maybe Carl Jung is casting. V, that's kind of a Northern Exposure reference. I hope I'm in the story and maybe die a gruesome but intricately orchestrated and artistically filmed death that makes a relevant yet subtle statement about the desperation and isolation of contemporary society and/or man's inhumanity to man and is set to a killer score. That reminds me, did we get Danny Elfman?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and that last comment was submitted from the fancy-pants Blackberry.

-V- said...

No way! Comments from a Blackberry?? Ed, you're my hero... Y'all don't ask much from a dream-writer do you? You'll take your untimely demise(s) however they come to you - and you'll like it. That's that.

Anonymous said...

V, love the blog and especially the adoption posts.

If you like cheesy horror movies, and in particular making fun of how bad they are, then maybe you remember Minnesota's contribution to the genre: Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K). Another website I follow www.teevee.org) alerted me that MST3K alums Dave Nelson and Kevin Murphy are back, and you can download their commentary from the Internet, then watch the movie and listen to their snickering jokes in real-time during the film, just like MST3K. The actual site is www.rifftrax.com.

Samosa lovers in Woodbury

Anonymous said...

No comments from me I'm dead. Actually you might think I'm dead but I just received a message on my cell from swirlingeddys blackberry. He's wondering if I have video on my cell. Wow! Anyone ever see the inside a giant squids stomach!! It rocks....
v..I have to tell you how I got in here. First of all, I had no idea that a giant squid has this parrot like beak with these toothlike ridges. Don't believe me look it up.... Because I'm so petite :-)he decided that I was small enough to swallow however I barely squeezed through those shredding ridges. For some reason the squid made me to go to his brain first, it sort of looks like my MRI's, I want to tell you his eyes are as big as soccer balls. Then down to his stomach I went... If this guys anything like me you won't see me out the other end for another week or two. I want Joe and Jim out there waiting for me in their boats. Tell my kids not to worry, I'm getting lots of air through his gills and I'm getting plenty to eat. I'm in Crab Shack heaven just wish I had some hot butter....It feels like we keep going backwards... then forwards...weird
In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how I ended up in a spineless wonder. Someone trying to tell me something??
v.. If your going to lose it...I'm going with you... Actually, I was there first... sorry so long

erin said...

So? Episode 2?

NoOtherName said...

Ohmygosh--laughing out loud to the point of tears! I am SO honored--I've never been in a movie before. But I would like to talk to the script writer because I really envisioned myself as the chick who would figure out how to defeat the insidious squid and save poor groovy from certain death, not be rescued by an unnamed bystander. I mean, COME ON!