
Couch Potato

Dearest Husband,

Thank you for loving me even when I refuse to change out of my robe or remove myself from the couch to grab the remote, or do any of the 6 piles of laundry in the basement, or clean stuff or pick up the phone or do anything at all besides watch all the Die Hard movies. In a row. While eating my weight in M&Ms and York Peppermint Patties.

(In my defense, starting at 2:30 pm today, the rest of the weekend is all people and places and extravertedness; I'm claiming the 'fueling up' clause, big time).

What IS it about January though? Gravitational forces around the couch and bed are irresistible... Am I alone with the bottomed-out energy level syndrome this time of year? Did humans used to hibernate at one point, and it's left-over instinct? What solutions have you found (yes, I know - BESIDES having kids) for unsticking your tushi from the nearest reclining surface and eyes from the nearest action flick?


Anonymous said...

Each year the cold seems to deter me more and more. I love staying in, snuggled up in a quilt with a good book and a hot cup of cocoa. :)

The prospect of a dinner date with my husband could lure me off the couch, though. :)

Swirlingeddy said...

Dear wife,

Actually, I love that about you!

Keep up the good work -

zcoffeegirl said...

I'm longing for that.....we've been too busy, and yes, I am tired....I have a friend who loves to "hibernate" January away...books, movies..enjoy it, sweets.

Anushka said...

i'm with you - after my "saturday morning mom tasks" were done - i turned on the heated mattress pad, grabbed the book you gave me, swapped street clothes for a huge flannel shirt, add 2 purring cats... and a 20 min snooze...bliss. ok- gotta get up- soup, snowmen, and songs to be made... besides kids, creativity motivates me.

Anonymous said...

I've been a total couch/bed potato this month. So glad to hear that I'm not the only one. I have taken more naps this past week than I have all last year.

erin said...

I'm having a tough time this year, too. It doesn't help that everything is SO dirty and ugly outside right now.
I love snuggling up with my kitty and Pedro to watch Friends reruns.
Do you still want to be my friend now that you know that?

-V- said...

Erin, if you've no issues with befriending a Die Hard addicted chocolate fiend, I've none with someone who enjoys THE BEST SITCOM EVER MADE! (Except 'The Office' of course). ;-) Yes, cuddly pets are an oasis of happy endorphins in the desert of January thaw, aren't they...

kristi noser said...

All the Die Hard movies--IN A ROW???
V, you're my new hero.