
You Know Your Car is Dirty When...

The car wash I unwisely bought in Woodbury last month is about to expire. Thanks to the recent cold snap (and impossible lines when it's warm enough), the filth and grime has accumulated to a depth I hadn't thought possible.

You know your car is dirty when...

10. You can't find it in a small parking lot.
9. You can't pay an obnoxious kid to write 'WASH ME' on it.
8. You're embarrassed to take it to church.
7. Cops pull you over for an obstructed license plate.
6. Cousin Jimmy asks if he can join you off-roading next time.
5. Your Huckabee sticker flies off when you hit a bump.
4. Even your dogs don't want to ride in it.
3. There's drag on your engine from lugging the extra dirt around.
2. Deer jump out as you drive, drawn to the mother of all salt-licks.
1. The fundraiser car wash turns you away.


Kara Jo said...

You thought of some good ones. Growing up, we lived on the dustiest dirt road in the county. We always joked that you couldn't tell what color our car was supposed to be in the first place!

Katie R. said...

Yep, my car qualifies. It's dirty.

Robert said...

I'm not going to lie, that's pretty bad.

Anonymous said...

Random and pointless info- your car can carry and extra 40lbs of snow in the winter. Ya, know the stuff that packs around the wheels and underpart of your car...ya 40lbs. Imagine what that does to your gas mileage! I am thankful my car is white, the salt shows up less.


zcoffeegirl said...

How about this...you know when your car is dirty when you get salt on your clothes every time you take the baby out of her car seat.

NoOtherName said...

The "mother-of-all salt licks" part had me and B laughing out loud!

-V- said...

Just got back from the car wash (helps to go at 11:00 PM to avoid lines). Ahhhh... had forgotten what a lovely color the SUV is! Glad you got a laugh, Crims... ;-)