
Burnin' Ring O' Fire

Dear friend, KJ, has done a beautiful post about our weekend at 'Wilderness' which expresses my sentiments exactly - so I won't recreate the wheel. I do, however, have further commentary on the injustices of a metal outhouse seat at temps of -40 windchill.

I can't take full credit; the long-standing joke was created by Amy Malhoit - and Johnny Cash supplied the tune. So sorry, Johnny...


I sat down on the burnin' ring o' fire;
it burned, burned, burned as I added to the mire.

And it's cold, Cold, COLD with just your ankles well-attired.
Go only when it's dire - to the ring o' fire.


Kara Jo said...

I like your post V, very creative. (Didn't mean to steal any ideas you were going to write about!) I almost sent you a photo of the outhouse, too. Hey, I wasn't aware that there was a song to go with the Burnin' Ring O' Fire!

Kara Jo said...

P.S. I'm kind of disappointed that I published my post first; I was looking forward to a V-style recount of the weekend! Oh well, we still got a witty vignette of the outhouse! :)

kristi noser said...

I thought I had more, but nope, that's all I have.

Anonymous said...

I love the lyrics! Now we just need to come up with some inspired verse about precariously perching atop foam of questionable origin to avoid the ring of fire......or wax philosophical about the value of occasionaly choosing to suffer..


Anonymous said...

We had such a great time this weekend.
So great to experience it with so many wonderful friends.

Loved every second of it!!

theswamphare said...

Beauty of a potty picture, eh.

That reminds me of a joke.

erin said...

Cute pic of the two of you!

LadyD said...

That is enough to make you ration your food and drink intake!

FamilyGus said...

This looks like a beautiful weekend and it looks like you had sooo much fun! Remeber that post you had awhile back though, the one about our favorite song, well, now the Burnin' Ring O' Fire is stuck in the head. :) Tell them to try putting foam on the seat...a little warmer on the tush (we did this to our outhouse at the shack).