
The Nest

You know when you pick out paint for a room, get it on the wall, and could swear it's a completely different color than what you picked? That is the opposite of what happened with painting Eva's room. The colors are perfect. PERFECT. The jury is most definitely in and green and orange DO work together! They coordinate perfectly with the comforter, and blend the rest of the room all together. LOVE it!!

Even Guffman and Duncan agree... Here's their take on the whole thing:

GUFF: Bunkie, bro - there's definitely something off here. I may be older than you, but my nose is still good, and I'm not liking what I'm sniffin' here...

DUNCAN: G, what'ryachewin', man; mom and pops are fixing up the guest bedroom just for us. Check out this massive doggie bed!

G: Dude, I don't think so; Mom's pulled you off there like 5 times already and she SO gave me the look when I did gender-check on the polar bear. Plus, they keep saying that 'Eva's coming' - whatever that means. There's something we're not getting here.

D: Fine, bud - you be all whiggy if that's what does it for you. But this plush rug? My very own chewy bear, and a canopy over my doggie bed?? THAT's what does it for me. Seeyabye. (To himself: I might even check out that dress while Mom's napping...)

G: I got the squirrel toy, I got the squirrel toy; betcha can't get me!

Actually - the orange looks a little brighter and yellower here than in real life, but you get the general idea. Decorative items still to get: curtains, beanbag, child's chair, orange lamp... still a bunch of stuff to hang too - but this is progress! Every new detail in place, she feels a little closer...


Anonymous said...

That is the cutest room ever!! I love it! I wish I had a cute room like that!! But, no...some nerd picked out MAUVE and 90's flower wall paper for my room!! I love that the bed is low to the ground. If I ever did my bedroom like that, I might do that to my bed...Can't wait to see it in real life. Love ya!

Kara Jo said...

Oh, V, I love it! It's so exciting to see it all come together!

-V- said...

lil 'v: What can I say? Mauve was the 'in' thing, and I definitely went through a mauve phase. What really gets me, is I LOATHED pink at the time. Pink was very bad. But couldn't get enough mauve... Weird! :-)

I'm truly sorry you're still the victim of my ONLY bad decorating choices ever... :-) (Not. The room's only partially as bad as that bridesmaid dress I designed and made you wear - similar color, I believe. I just wanted everyone else to look awful that day). ;-)

Anonymous said...

I agree with lil'v that is the cutest room ever.

FamilyGus said...

I love the room. Bright & cheerful...even in as winter drags on this room will be lively. I love the low bed too. We're going to be moving Karlie's room downstairs to where the office is & the office upstairs because right now Karlie has no closet, it doesn't work well. So we'll be doing a new room up for her within the next year & these ideas are great!

Katie R. said...

I think Eva will feel like a princess. How sweet! I think it's so neat that the descriptions of Eva always state her birght and bold colored dresses. She'll match her new room. :) It's awesome, you guys did a great job. What a happy room.

Anonymous said...

The bridesmaids dresses weren't that bad! The were not mauve, they were burgandy, which is a way more classy color! I liked it when I wore it.:)

Anonymous said...

You are so right....everything came together intuitivly. It is so vibrant and perfect. Yay!


Swirlingeddy said...

Ha - this was a laugh out loud one(aka lol); thanks hon!

That was so fun getting the room set up. We are a great team! You envisioned it and designed it perfectly. She'll be home soon . . .

Pam said...

Nice job E & V. Room is engaging and lively. It oozes happiness.

Pam said...

btw...Where did you find the baskets on the Ikea shelf? Really cute.

-V- said...

pw - the solid colored ones were from World Market. The two in the far corners, cream with stripes, were HomeGoods. Both in Woodbury. :-)

Emunah said...

OK, I turn my back for one second and it's all done!! It looks fantastic!! Beautiful, perfect, the best, to die for. I can't wait to see her in it! Your dog narration was a total crackup.

Anushka said...

Eva's lil' world is so charming and inviting.. i really love it, guys!!!

kristi noser said...

I can't wait to hear the doggie conversation when Eva comes home...

btw, "gender check" made me laugh hard. I could just see it--such a dog thing to do.

zcoffeegirl said...

I love it! I think I saw a little bit of pink.....

Willow and Sprout said...

It makes my heart smile to see the room as well as your love and preperations. The room expresses you, and what you know of Eva. They say being a parent means "You forever have your heart walking around outside your body." I'm sure this room is one of many pictures to come that shows that to be true.

LS said...

What a beautiful room for a special girl! You've managed to take two colors I would have never guessed would look good together and made them look AWESOME! I loved the recent updates on Eva via your friends and hope that the day she comes home is very near...

NoOtherName said...

HER VERY OWN ROOM! Soon you'll be sneaking in at night just to watch her sleep...

You guys are awesome parents already!

Naomi said...

Vonda, it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I have always had a strong attraction to Indian style. I LOVE all the bright colors and vibrant fabrics. When the "Global Bazaar" was at Target a few years ago, I bought a gorgeous quilt from India designed in rich crimson and golds. I have since then decorated our entire bedroom around it.

Anonymous said...

You have inspired me to go to IKEA and decorate little Daniel's room (which is still lavender with pink silk curtains). I would even like to redo our girls room!!! Great job.