
Ready For Restoration

What moves you? What makes your insides say, almost audibly, "This just can't stay like this. God, please fix it! And please use me to help."

For a growing number of families all over the world, the needs of orphans in Andhra Pradesh, India, is an issue that requires movement. A program called 'Care and Share' offers authentic and effective opportunity to act.

Tomorrow, I have the pleasure of driving three of my closest friends to the airport, to begin their journey to visit these orphans living in Care and Share facilities. These dear sisters will go bearing suitcases bursting with gifts and medicines for children who are sponsored by the program. They will hold babies, hug teenagers, administer medicine, wash hair, meet childrens' needs for care: affection, attention, hope. Their visit will be remembered by these children, and will make a difference.

One of the gifts they bring with them is for our oldest daughter, adopted long-distance. Her name is Jaswanthi. Her mother died years ago; her remaining family is unable to support her. So she lives at Care and Share where she receives food, shelter and education. Jaswanthi still has family, but many children don't. Some are HIV-infected after having lost their parents to that disease. Some were abandoned by parents and extended family. At least one was pushed from a moving train and left. Kids come to these facilities faster than they can be sponsored... So much good has been done - yet, there is so much left to do!

One of my sister-friends, Lori, has started a blog where she will post about the trip, Care and Share's progress, and ongoing needs. You can find it, 'Be The Change' in the links to the right. If you haven't yet found something that 'moves' you, or have room for one more - and are interested in looking further into this, feel free to contact Lori anytime (or me if you need her info). Money goes further with Care and Share than with other sponsorship programs we're involved in - and contact with the children is personal and frequent. We can't all move in every available direction... but all of us can move. We CAN make a difference by sharing what we've so richly been given.



groovy said...

Thank you so much V. I love how my friends have adopted these sweet children as one of their own. It truly is a long distance adoption and the founders encourage the sponsors to come and visit. We are looking so forward to meeting them all.
We have 16 more kids who need sponsors before we leave tomorrow.
Happy Birthday dear friend!!

Robert said...

It's good to know there are people out there doing something. What a change!

Kara Jo said...

Ah, now I know how you are spending the morning of your birthday! Yes, what a privilege to drive your sweet sisters to the airport to accomplish this piece of the mission. Thanks for your post, V!

Pam said...

Happy Birthday Vonda! What a memorable day. May God overflow your heart with his love and blessings this year. The year you bring home Eva!

Katie R. said...

Happy Birthday -V-!!

FamilyGus said...

Happy birthday Vonda! You have such a wonderfully overflowing heart with such special posts. Love you and have a great Birthday!

Anonymous said...

beautiful. thank you for sharing.