
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Aviom?

Anyone who sings with mics and monitors on a regular basis understands that there's a link between what goes in your ear and what comes out your mouth. Can't hear yourself well enough? You get 'pitchy'. Hear yourself too well? In my case, brain goes into adrenaline mode and body starts prepping to kill a bear (which, incidentally, is not conducive to trying to sing a song).

For that reason (and because I'm the opposite of a techie), I've been highly suspicious of the new Aviom monitoring system being adopted by FCC. Some had said it's more isolating (NOT good in my case). Others had said it offers more control of what you hear (again, I'm no techie, so control by me: not comforting).

With Aviom, you stick an ear-plug type thingy in your ear (see above), a battery-pack thingy on your fanny, and use this control panel to adjust what sounds go in your ear.

So last night was my first opportunity to test Aviom. Thankfully, it was presented to me as an option; not a requirement. And surprisingly, the control panel is quite intuitive (unless you end up sticking the wrong, muted, ear thingy in your ear for the first 1/2 hour of practice). This being my first exposure to the system, I reserve the right to change my mind and hate it later - so don't tell anyone I said this... But my first impression? I LIKE it. A lot.



kristi noser said...

I think once you get used to it you will love it even more, AND you will be all set for American Idol!

-V- said...

Hope so! American Idol? I'm always set for that: sitting my butt on the couch with a warm blanket watching others repeatedly torture themselves while having to endure none myself. :-)

Kara Jo said...

They used these at our church in IN. Oooh, love the technology! And you get to be the guinea pig. :)

Anonymous said...


My name is Kris and I used to be on staff and attend FCC. I found your blog through Carla's and HAD to leave a comment when I saw your post about Avioms. I've used them at out church for a few years and there is definitely an adjustment period. Just the other week, I had a really cruddy mix in my ears during rehearsal and it took me awhile to find out why. But overall, I love the Aviom and can't imagine going back. I really hope you enjoy using it!