
The Flaw in Perfectionism

Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. says this about perfectionism:

"A perfectionist sees life as if it were one of those little pictures that used to appear in the newpapers over the caption "What's wrong with this picture?" If you looked at the picture carefully you would see that the table only had three legs or the house had no door. I remember the "Aha!" that these pictures evoked in me as a child. I wonder now why anyone would want to take such satisfaction in [dwelling on] what is missing, what is wrong, what is "broken."

The pursuit of perfection has become a major addiction of our time. Fortunately, perfectionism is learned. No one is born a perfectionist, which is why it is possible to recover. I am a recovering perfectionist. Before I began recovering, I experienced that I and everyone else was always falling short, that who we were and what we did was never quite good enough. I sat in judgment on life itself. Perfectionism is the belief that life is broken."


Anonymous said...

thanks for the perspective. a healthy dose of it i might say! i am a bit of a perfectionist, and have passed it on to my first born, who is now a "discouraged perfectionist."
ugh. how to break the cycle!!

-V- said...

Jeanette - a 'healthy dose' for me, more than for everyone else. I'm still very much 'in process' on this - the quote hit me powerfully...

Just had an encounter with blatant 'everything's broken' mentality the other day and it reminded me...