
Beauty Afoot...

A couple of 'barely-known' musicians and a friend with a camera put together a low-budget little film called 'Once'. If you haven't seen it yet, do.not.pass.go. on your way to the movie store. It's simple, far surpasses standard movie morality, and boosts courageous creativity.

In this film, they performed a beautiful 'homespun' song which actually won them each an Oscar last night. And, instead of conducting themselves like wide-eyed first-time recognition-mongers OR snooty 'I'm too good for all of you' individualists, they received their reward with humility and grace. In my opinion, they gave Hollywood, and all of us, a bit of 'the real thing'.

There's beauty afoot. Sometimes in unexpected places.

Raise Day,
Time to
go play!


Pam said...

He got a Oscar?! Yeah for the true artist.

Loved the music.

Emunah said...

OK, haven't seen the movie, but saw the song on the Oscars last night and WOW - that guy is my new boyfriend.

zcoffeegirl said...

Can't wait to see it! Thanks..

erin said...

I saw an article about them yesterday on Yahoo.
VERY cool.

Ariel said...

Yeah! We just watched Once last week, and it became one of my favorites. I'm so glad you love it, too! -A

Shandy said...

Good for them. Shannon and I saw it a month or two ago and loved it! We loved the music so much, Shannon surprised me one day by bringing the soundtrack home one evening after work. Mmm, MM!

-V- said...

Ha! Ed just surprised me by leaving the soundtrack on the Tribute's front seat so I'd find it on my way to work the other day... What thoughtful spouses! Great job, Shannon! :-)