

Ever find yourself pondering a certain memory throughout the day, then return to reality suddenly to discover it was the anniversary of what you were thinking about? That happens to me a lot.

Today it was thoughts of packing to go to the Bahamas with dear friends last year. I realized that's just what I would have been doing this time last year. Then, I thought back further and realized how many times I've been on trips during this particular week through the years... a lot. Guess I'm kind of programmed.

Feels interesting (in a good way) to be in nesting mode during what would typically be migration season. I wonder if this means Spring will spring early for me... ;-) Did anyone hear what Punksatony Phil had to say about his shadow the other day?


Anonymous said...

No shadow...six more months of winter! Oops, six more weeks. I guess MN is more like six months...

erin said...

I journaled extensively (two journals each day, in fact) while I was in Scotland.
In the spring months, I like to look to "today's" entry and see what I was doing on this day in 2004.
Sorta fun.