
Time For a Dip

What would we do without dear friends to help us remember how to play? The highlight of my day yesterday was 20 minutes in the hot tub with my girls, who faithfully pulled me away from the list for some much-needed FUN!

Time For a Dip

Like chickadees, we
bouncing snow-toed to steam-bath
child-like, ditch our lists.

"Ignore my balloons
and I'm blind to your bobbles."
Together, hope grows.


Anushka said...

oh!!!! i love this tiny poem of friendship! You are a gift, V... may i put it on the sacred gallery space i also call my "fridge?" i really love that... we were chickadees indeed... let's be sure to always make time for a dip.

-V- said...

Of course, you may put it in the 'fridge' (I LOVE the concept of being able to produce something that actually goes in the fridge). ;-)

Anonymous said...

That was so much fun. So great to let the lists go and let the bobbles and ballons be warm and free.

Anonymous said...

Love your poetry, V! I am blessed to read your blog; thanks for continuing to share your writing.

kristi noser said...

Who cares about lists when there's a hot tub, right?

kristi noser said...

Oh, and I love the pictures you paint with your words.

-V- said...

Thanks, Kristi! And yes, I'm learning to love ditching the list... a little scary, but fun, nevertheless. Twice in one weekend... :-)