
Spontaneous Crackage

So today, I'm working quietly in my cubicle when, very suddenly, just behind me, there's this LOUD crash somewhere in the decibel range between a BIG balloon popping, and a gun going off.

Still recovering standard pulse rates, my fellow cube-dwellers and I rushed to the scene: the full-door emergency exit had completely cracked from floor to ceiling. Too bad I never learned how to use my cell phone camera; by the time someone else tried to figure it out, the whole thing had caved in.

No one had thrown anything; there was no glass on the carpet. In fact, the pane bowed outward. When the glass guy came to fix it, he's like, "Yeah, sometimes they do that." No big deal...

They do?? Yikes! Kind of makes you wonder what other 'no big deals' spontaneously, mysteriously, (and noisily!) self-destruct, for no apparent reason, in winter temps. Powerful forces we can't see and can't predict. Fascinating...

Too bad Dwight wasn't there to do a more thorough investigation... We're pretty sure no wildlife got in the building - but lots of cold air did. Moral of the story? Walk softly and carry a warm scarf, I guess.


Swirlingeddy said...

In the words of Douglas Adams, the window just got fundamentally fed up with being where it was. Maybe it was the work of an angry Norse god (The Long Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul)?

Or an opera singer?

zcoffeegirl said...

V- were singing opera again?

kristi noser said...

My mom's patio door did that once.
I guess that door thought it was a badglass.

-V- said...

Badglass. Hahahahhhhha! Yeah opera - I never did tell you guys what it is I do at work, right? Hm... Some might call it a 'song and dance'. ;-)

Robert said...

Wow, that's cold! Don't have to worry about that down here.
That Ed, always knows the cool quotes.

Carla said...

Dwight would have launched a full scale undercover investigation. Wanna join my alliance, V?

-V- said...

Carla - does your karaoke machine have a power cord? I think I might have seen it somewhere... ;-)