
Driveway, Submit!

This is the driveway. Now imagine it with 6 inches of virgin snow atop it. Pretty, right? HA! Not anymore... It's Ed's late night tonight - especially late since there's a blizzard (he's not home yet). And... the snow-blower's broken. So guess who conquered the driveway WITH A SHOVEL?? Yes, that's right - yours truly! In dress pants and fuzzy scarf. Nothing's making any husband of mine park on the street... The driveway: a conquered foe! I'm pumped with something (hopefully not testosterone) that makes me wish I could do a 'Tim the Tool Man' impression...

Proverbs 31 woman, you may have me beat in the kitchen, but you'd better look out when it comes to the driveway! ;-)


TheKupkaFamily said...

Way to go V!!!! Michael is out in our driveway as I type. I hope you don't mind, but I am going to keep the fact that you do your driveway a little secret. I don't want Micahel getting any ideas. (If V does her driveway than Stacy could......;) )

Anonymous said...

Wow,Vonda... I wish I would have been there to help you. You poor thing...Call me next time. I have a feeling I know what you'll be shopping for this weekend.
Let's see... tomorrow Chiropractor?
I hope not...

FamilyGus said...

You go girl! Adam was gone for a couple days (hunting of course with dad) so I was shoveling the deck, paths to the garage & woodstove, and loading the woodstove. I smelled like a wood fairy for sure, but I liked the workout. I love your house. I've never seen it before. It looks so homey.

-V- said...

Jennifer - "...smelled like a wood fairy"?!? I LOVE that! No idea what a wood fairy smells like, but I instinctively hope to smell like one also, and definitely plan to reuse that phrase... :-)

Swirlingeddy said...

What a wife! My wife makes things happen.

I'll massage your back later . . .

kristi noser said...

Way to go Vondaful! I am proud of your hard work, and happy the snow was light and fluffy.

Bren said...

I want to do that - next year Eva can help you - my kids were out there and then somehow had a snowball fight. Way to go!

Kara Jo said...

V, You go, girl. And after a 3 hour commute, too! You're a trooper.

erin said...

Can you come over?

zcoffeegirl said...

Impressive...shhhhh..don't tell my husband.

Katie R. said...

Wow! I'm so inspired. We have a major snow removal situation at our home at the moment and I think I know what to do about it now. Gotta go shovel.

Emunah said...

I can't imagine that shoveling your particular driveway is humanly possible, nor how many hours it must have taken. I'm not worthy! I'm also going to take a wild guess that Guff and Dunk weren't stunningly helpful with this. :)