
You Know You're An 'I' When...

Disclaimer: the following list is intended neither to INclude all introverts, nor to EXclude all extraverts. But it's likely more 'I's than 'E's will consistently relate... You know you're an introvert when:

20. You return phone calls via email.
19. Your ideal get-away is a silent retreat.
18. You make a mental list of conversation topics before coffee dates.
17. You sometimes wear slippers as consolation for having to leave the house.
16. You grew up suspecting that either you were an alien, or everyone else was.
15. Your closest friends are still sometimes surprised by what you say or do.
14. You started a petition against group showers in gym class.
13. You always have one wary eye out for cubicle lurkers.
12. You'd rather read a book than attend a party.
11. You tend to over-estimate the closeness of others' friendships.
10. At restaurants, you choose only booths or corner seats.
9. A blank calendar square is your ticket to paradise.
8. You read 'The Introvert Advantage' at least twice - and bought multiple copies as gifts.
7. You check your cell phone messages once a month.
6. Your main happy place is called: Curledupinbed.
5. You hesitate when someone asks, "Do you have plans today?"
4. The question, "So what should we do?" is the bane of your existence.
3. You often regard 'a night out on the town' as a personal sacrifice.
2. You've pretended your cell phone has reception problems in order to end a conversation.
1. Your real answer to "So how are you?" is, "Check my blog."

Introverts: what attribute or quirk makes you sure you're an introvert?
Extraverts: what do you appreciate most about your introvert friends? (Be nice - next time, they get to comment on you!)


TheKupkaFamily said...

I love my intervert. Michael is an intervert. He lets me talk all I want. For some reason, I have this great need to talk all the time. Poor guy, I am such a chatter. Chat. Chat. Chat. I understand that he is probably not listening to me the whole time, but that's okay.

Katie R. said...

I once hyperventilated over having to attend a wine and cheese social Matthew had planned for other business people. I spoke to nobody and pretended I had to go home for Isaiah's bedtime.

* that was nearly 7 years ago. I'm much better in crowds now. I do need a good week to psych myself up for stuff however.

kristi noser said...

I like that list--makes me understand the introvert thing a little bit better. I could really see Brandy in a lot of those. The only one I can relate to however is the return the phone call with an email. SOOOO much easier. But then again, talking on the phone is not one of my loves.

theswamphare said...

Y'know...how you want to hang up on someone 'cause you're tired of their talking and you just want to go curl up under the covers with a book and a cuppa?

It's better to do it while you are talking because they'll never suspect that you hung up on them to go back to bed.

Bren said...

My hubby is an introvert and just wore slippers to the kids conferences on Tuesday. We found out that my Gracie is definately Steve's daughter (no there was not any doubt:)). She plays alone and does not talk a lot in class. My other 2 are mine and are NOW controlled talkers in class but want to be a part of the discussion. I love this list! Whenever Gracie goes off and plays alone for 2 hours I ask Steve what is wrong with her - I just don't get it - is she sick, is she mad? (The only reason I am alone.) He says no and he so gets her.

Rachel said...

Everyday I take the least traveled path down the hallways at work to get to my office. . .ah the joys of introvertism. I'm not a "J" like you, but I'm an undoubtable "I." I just requested "The Introvert Advantage" from the library, thanks to your suggestion.

erin said...

I'm starting to think I might be an introvert, based on #'s 20, 18, 15, 13, 7, 6, 5 and 2.
I once actually just HUNG UP on a friend that I didn't want to talk to anymore and called her two hours later SO sorry that I lost signal while crossing the bridge into Hudson.
BTW, this was in college and doesn't pertain to any of you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with many of your comments. I tend to recharge with physical activity-alone is just fine. My nearly ideal day would be to get up early, go for Chai then hit a mountain bike trail.

And yes, I think Gods personal answer to me was email. He'd knew I'd need a way to talk with others and came up with this solution.

zcoffeegirl said...

I don't feel so alone anymore..thanks, V. Maybe I can refer a few of my closest friends to this list...it would be an "Ah Ha!" moment, I'm sure.

www.maxgrace.com said...

Fantastic post, and so true. We introverts (1/3 of the population) are constantly judged by the rest of you. Kids too. We have one of each; and it is so important to not force an "I" child into "E" behaviors. Our daughter needs her alone time after school or big events. We support her.

"I's" are creative people with huge interior wealth for the world. Let us marinate with joy, without apology, and without trying to live up to other people's expectations.

My joy is a closed office door with a "Do not disturb" sign on it.
