
Procrastination Summation

So I'm a Myers Briggs 'J'. Off the charts. That means I love clarity, definition, think in black and whites... most of all: LOVE closure. So, for a good while, it's mystified me why procrastination would be an issue - most specifically in the areas of packing, and putting gas in my truck.

I have this mental block about stopping for gas: I DON'T want to! Just want to get where I'm going (ah ha! closure...). And I talk myself into thinking I have enough gas to get there - even if the gas gauge is past empty. Neurotic, I know. I think it was made worse by the Jeep Grand Cherokee we used to have that NEVER ran out of gas, no matter how low the gauge got. ANYWAY.

So yesterday, I'm driving to KJ's house for lunch. I was slightly late and in a hurry (had gotten sucked into blogland) and didn't worry about small details like: a coat, socks, shoes I could walk in, an outfit that didn't make me look like a homeless person intending to work out at some point. (No lectures, mom). I was just going to see my dear friend, KJ anyway. I'm about two miles from my house and two miles from the gas station (which, ironically, I was going to try to skip again) when the truck quit. Kaput.

My first instinct is always - "Oh, no worries; I'll just start it up again and make it to the station." No dice. Poor KJ. She loads two lunchless kids and a gas can into the van to come rescue me - and gets there just as the cop has pulled up behind me - with lights on. Now I'm a little traumatized because I have to actually talk to someone else looking like a (not the most modest) homeless person, and I'm positive that everyone I know is driving by seeing a live cop car pulled up behind me.

Long story shorter, gas eventually went in the gas can. After spending a good 5+ (very cold) minutes trying to pour gas from the can into the tank to no avail (turns out it's not just about taking the cap off the nozzle), and exposing my coatless bellybutton to all of Hudson, we finally made it home safe to KJs.

New rule: quarter of a tank; I look for the nearest gas station. Period. How many times have I made that rule before?? Oh - and no homeless sweats in the car. And keep a blanket and some walking shoes in the back seat for goodness sake!

Okay - help me out here. I'm not the only crazy one right? What's your procrastination of choice?


Naomi said...

I am totally with you on the gas one. Jared smiles and shakes his head at me all the time when he sees how low the tank is. My other one is laundry. Example: Yesterday I folded 6 loads. Yikes!

zcoffeegirl said...

So, did you get a ticket? What did the policeman say? That would horrify me more than anything. I hate getting into trouble.

-V- said...

Coffeegirl - he was SUPER nice. Asked if I needed help, and was willing to park just behind me, a little closer to the road as I filled the tank, to shield from oncoming traffic (my tank was on the road side of the truck). I've chalked it up as one of the 3 good experiences I've now had with law enforcement. The other 6+ are for another blog entry... ;-)

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing V. Everytime Jim gets in my vehicle there are only fumes left.

He kindly fills the tank so I can run it dry again.

Glad to hear that you were taken care of.

Katie R. said...

My husband is past the point of being irritated regarding low fuel levels. He has admitted defeat and makes it into a joke now, for his own sanity purposes I'm sure. I just don't like to take time out of my day and I need to get where I'm going. Totally a "J" thing, huh?

Scrubbing floors is always last on my list, too. When I make a new list I continue to place "scrub floors" at the bottom. I never get there unless it's a really, really good day.

LadyD said...

What a story! Great one to tell your daughter when she's of the age to drive! My Procrastinations?
Putting away the laundry before everyone is digging through baskets all over the house & Balancing the checkbook and doing bills- I once went four weeks! We had no clue how much money we had- L.

Kara Jo said...

Oh, V, I do wish I'd had a camera...you in your snug little shiny blue warm up suit. (You looked cute, not slutty, by the way.) Even better was the pose with one leg bent and propped across the other as you attempted to lean against the vehicle and fill the tank with the travel can...little did I know that the pose was partly because the darn can was so heavy!
Glad you still came over--enjoyed our chat and time of prayer!

Pam said...

I am laughing about this one! And I really can't picture you looking dumpy. You just don't have the hair for it.

I am anal about the gas. If it gets below .25, I start to dry heave.

Procrastinate? Sure. My issue would probably be shaving.

Did I just admit that?!

erin said...

Early in our marriage, I told Richard that I never wanted to put gas in my car ever again.
I've only had to do it a handful of times in the last couple of years. Whattaman, huh?
My procrastination of choice...
Work. At work. I wait til the last minute.
So far it's only bit me in the butt a couple of times.
I also used to write papers the morning they were due.