
Duct Tape

So... I'm sitting up here in our loft attempting to compose thoughtful, encouraging and/or witty comments to all y'all's blogs and suddenly, in addition to howling ferociously, the wind is making LOUD scraping, banging noises. Lovely. I run downstairs to find long, sharp pieces of metal facia hurling themselves against the $1,600 half-circle window we installed in the new sun-room last year.

Like the genius he truly is, Ed springs into action and, together, we engineer a brilliant solution:

1. Kitchen broom to coax the ends of long metal facia scraps down to our level.
2. Gross dirty dog towel wrapped around the ends, to soften the scratchy blows.
3. DUCT TAPE to hold the towel in place.
4. String to loop through the duct tape, pulling the facia down to keep it from flailing.
5. Closed window to secure the string and facia.

Duct tape: at the center of all good solutions to whacky problems. What would we do without it? What DID our grandparents parents do without it? Most importantly: what's the best duct tape solution YOU ever heard of or devised??


kristi noser said...

That was a great feat of engineering skill you two. Poppers would be proud of you.

My best duct tape story is when John was clipping the dog's hair--years ago, not Eddy--and sliced the dog's belly. Bandage? No. Vet? No. Duct tape? YES!

judy rankin said...

man, you didn't just ask ted about duct tape uses , did you? watch out...

theswamphare said...

Duct tape, put on a wart will kill the wart. It takes a week or so but something in the adhesive does the job.

Bren said...

Duct tape could make a whole wardrobe if you needed it. A few youth have made purses out of it. Steve uses duct or electrical tape for just about everything and bandages are often made.

Anonymous said...

the hole in our canoe has multiple layers of duct tape...
have you seen the purses made out of duct tape?

Bren said...

Some of the purses are cute and functional and some are just duct tape.

erin said...

Swampy's right about the warts. Worked for me.
This post is perfectly timed, because Richard just called me at work, breathless, and asked me to bring home duct tape from the company store.
I didn't ask what for.

Rachel said...

Even though I know how it's spelled, I still think of it (in my head) as "duck tape."

Kara Jo said...

Ditto on the duct tape for warts. Pediatrician recommended it for Emily--cheaper and just as effective as OTC meds! Took weeks, though.

Rachel--up until just a couple years ago, I thought it was "duck" tape, too!

Emunah said...

I've used duct tape to get pet hair off of fleece. You know how yummy fleece is, thick and cozy, but a MAGNET for hair. A strip patted down and ripped off does wonders. It's like getting your eyebrows waxed. :) I didn't know about the wart thing. Somebody should do some clinical trials. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could get Andrea Bocelli and Stevie Wonder to do a double blind study.

Pam said...

We used it on our Duluth Pack when it decided to fall apart, mid-trip.

Emunah said...

Double Blind Study!?!? Hahahahaha. And then I suppose submit them to a peer-reviewed Duct Tape journal. Ed, Ed, Ed...