
Night Sounds

Imaginary 'flies on the wall' micro-waved popcorn and settled back in their seats to enjoy the following drama that unfolded in our room at approximately midnight last night:

ED (SLEEP-TALKING): "GOOO-id! GOOOO-id!" [Holds his hand up, stiff, like a robot hand]. "GOOOOOOO-id!"

ED: [Sips from an imaginary coffee mug. Smacks his lips loudly.]

V: Giggles softly as Ed drifts back to sleep, unaware that he had awakened V from an alternate reality.

She (who was not really V) was a settler, a pioneer from days long ago. Newly married, she and her blond, German-speaking husband were choosing affordable Homestead land on which to build their home. Their acres were partially wooded with rolling hills and a beautiful lake.

Her husband and father-in-law were presently pushing the heavy, covered wagon up a steep, wooded incline (they had lowered it down to unload supplies). She thought about worrying whether she should stand just beneath them, in case the wagon should slip. But, the future was visible to her and she knew there was no cause for concern - not for now, anyway...

In future months, they would have to pay a traveling doctor handsomely to save her life during her excruciating delivery of their first son. The sum would require them to sell this beautiful property to her husband's brother in order to survive. Her husband would remain bitter about this to his dying days. Should she tell him now?

ED: Mmmmmmm... Chooooocoooooolate chips. [Smacks his lips loudly].

GUFFMAN: [Intermittent egregious snores and melodramatic Big Bird noises].

V: [Grabs and inserts earplugs]. Heartbeat...heartbeat...heartbeat. [Back to sleep...]

What alternate realities have you visited recently?


FamilyGus said...

The last time Adam talked in his sleep; I was in trouble. He yelled at me (quietly), "I told you not to fix those bicycle pedals". I said what are you talking about and he said, "you just couldn't wait for me to fix them could you". Then he rolled over & went back to sleep. I giggled. Or he talks to me about hooking up wires (nightmares of the electrician). I love it. I now try to ask him questions to see what kind of story I get. :) Might as well have a little fun with it!

LadyD said...

I had a weird dream last night that I was sitting in my van with the sliding door open in the middle of a farm field-and saw a tornado coming fast, I was on the cell phone with Coffegirl-weird- and said "Just wait I am in a tornado!" I flew over our yard, waved happily to my hubby and kids, and then next thing I was in the house listening to the answering machine and Coffee was asking me how it went! Weird. So weird.

Kara Jo said...

V, have you been reading Jeanette Oke on the sly?

This post cracks me up--good one!

Lauralynn--you've had some crazy dreams comin' at ya, haven't you?

Emunah said...

Rather than proof that you've lost it, I think this is proof of your genius, actually. I love being reminded of the oceans in your mind & heart.

LadyD said...

Call me crazy....
I think I prefer "creative"
Think I've got any stress??????
Tornado's for 500- Anybody?

-V- said...

kara jo - who's Jeanette Oke? ;-)

Kara Jo said...

Jeanette Oke, Lori Wick...somewhat sappy Christian Romance, Little House on the Prairie style. Good authors, actually. Reminded me of your dream.

-V- said...

kara - I was KIDDING! Just being a book-snob. ;-) I think I actually read 'Love Comes Softly' at some point back in highschool or something... That whole era and medium doesn't do much for me these days; maybe it will appeal to future me again someday - I go through phases. :-)