
2 Hr. Shortcut

I could have ridden a freaking horse to work today and arrived there faster.

Note to future self: "I94 is backed up from Hudson to Minneapolis? Take it anyway."

1. West on McCutcheon
2. North on Scott
3. East on A
4. Curve around on I
5. Northwest on E
6. Over Stillwater bridge
7. South on Main St.
8. West on 36
9. South on White Bear
10. West on Larpenteur
11. North on Shore (dead end at Lake Phalen - whoops!)
12. Southwest on Frost
13. West on Larpenteur
14. Hit red lights through all of Oakdale, Maplewood and Roseville
15. Cross 280, rejoice at Hennepin
16. Hit all red lights between 280 and 35W
17. South into Hennepin Business Complex

...4 days to Cancun.


Bren said...

Not fair you get to go to Cancun - you have hope for sunshine and no parka!!!

TheKupkaFamily said...

It's when I read stories like this that I am thankful to be at home with my four kids. Even if they drive me a bit crazy. A little mom rage is much safer then road rage.

Katie R. said...


Kara Jo said...

Oh my...
Right in line with what Kupka said, it's easy for me to chuckle at your post when my commute consists of walking down my stairway to the living room.
You're almost to Cancun.

kristi noser said...

I wonder what the traffic is like in Cancun....I wonder if you'll care.

Robert said...

The key is that you kept moving that's the important thing. As long as you don't stop you'll gain a psychological advantage over all the shmoes stuck in traffic. Did I mention I walk to work every morning?

-V- said...

Rob - you SO hit the nail on the head. Yes - the point was to keep moving. With all the red lights though, that point became pretty ironic. :-)

Katie R. said...

HA! That is so true. As long as the car's moving there's perceived progress. I remember the commuting days and standing still just felt so unproductive.