
The Happy Dance

This was today's view from Eva's bedroom window. But 3 of them: black, white and tan. Full-grown 'neapolitan' horses with flailing heads, rearing hooves, and spunky hinders, chasing in gleeful bounce round and round their forest-extended field.

They were laughing and telling secrets in the late-afternoon sunshine, I think.

(Their secret is that this coming 'snow-storm' will be soon overcome by spring). Shhh... I can be bad with secrets.


kristi noser said...

I thought "Neapolitan" horses were brown and ivory and pink...

kristi noser said...

I'll take two scoops.

-V- said...

Kristi - these were dark chocolate, vanilla... and the tan one was really strawberry pink, but still on his way out of the closet. ;-)

I agree - much rather two scoops than two inches.

Kara Jo said...

I think the horses were rejoicing over your Eva news! Just like the rest of us--doin' the happy dance!

TheKupkaFamily said...

kristi- you crack me up!!

V- you guys have such a beautiful view out by your home. I love it!!