
12 Steps To Save The Day

1. Before you can save the day, it has to be in a steep downward spiral. Nothing says potential like leaving a full container of Vaseline on your toddler's bedside table.

2. In middle of night, find toddler's bed, carpet, bedside table - AND HAIR - full of petroleum-based (non-water-soluble) Vaseline.

3. Return to bed and leave mess till morning. Be sure to set alarm earlier.

4. Rise early and throw toddler in bath. Wash hair multiple times making no dent in said Vaseline.

5. Rush child to daycare prior to work. Resist temptation to care that everyone she comes in contact with will think you haven't washed her hair in a month.

6. Enlist hubby to research Vaseline removal, and purchase needed removal supplies: (cornstarch, coke, eggs, peanut butter, Dawn, Tide, etc.)

7. Return home to find 7 web articles on Vaseline removal; at least one recommending shaving child's hair off.

8. Notice bottle of Goo-Gone as you grab the 409 to clean countertops.

9. Notice bottle of Goo-Gone has warning that it contains petroleum distillate. Hmmm... Lightbulb moment!

10. Spray Goo-Gone on paper towel and carefully apply to hair (not skin) of devilishly/angelically laughing/screaming child.

11. Rinse hair with Pantene Clarifying Shampoo and blow dry.

12. Presto-chango! Petroleum hair, schmetroleum hair. The day (and imminent 4th b-day pictures) is saved!!


Emunah said...

This is hilarious. I've always liked Goo Gone. Now you have another thing to add to your mother's bag of secret trick fixes. Well done. :)

Pam said...

I was hoping to see a shaved head.

Anonymous said...

oh, my, land...what a hoot! i can't stand it! she is a pistol and you are good parents for a pistol...
good job, mom...

love, mums

Anonymous said...

This grandma is relieved! Had to laugh when I didn't have an answer to petroleum jelly greased hair. Ha! Glad you found the answer and all is well. Love you little Eva! Grandma

Anushka said...

oooohhhhh little one... good thing your mamma and pappa are so smart... !

FamilyGus said...

Good to know, Tanner was into it just the other day only I caught it before he hit the hair to much! I love it, she keeps you on your toes!

Willow and Sprout said...

Note to self: goo gone!!!

Kara Jo said...

Who woulda' thunk? Good job, Momma. That's classic. Good thing you wrote it down--will be fun to tell her about when she's older and not tempted to try it again. :)

Bria said...

So, what about the bed, table, and carpet? Will those be getting the goo gone treatment too?

erin said...

Don't you wonder what she was thinking? "Hmmm...THIS will be SO pretty!!!"
: )
Cute post, Vonda!

NoOtherName said...

Oh, that just makes my day seem not so bad all of a sudden! Great post, V. Chalk this one up to one of those things you'll laugh hysterically about someday!