
Take a Seat, Umbridge

Author and psychotherapist Thom Rutledge supports our ditching the "myth of singularity": "the belief that we're supposed to have only one opinion and one feeling at a time." The reality, he says, (and I mostly agree), is that we all have committees in our heads - and, throughout life, each of us must walk to the head of the long, rectangular board room table of our minds and successfully provide firm leadership and direction. Understanding the personalities and motives of each committee member is key in this process...

So folks, I give to you... the Committee In My Head. There are a number of interesting characters in mine - a few of them are even minors. But the 'majority leaders', the adult figures that filter most of the ongoing discussion, are Umbridge (the Bully) and Bruce (the Ally).


I give full credit to J.K. Rowling and Imelda Staunton for creating the perfect epitome of (and name for) my Bully. Umbridge loves to have the first and last word; for her, those words are usually "when", "what if", "yeah but", and "you shouldn't". She claims to have good, protective intentions toward me, but her methods are often cruel, manipulative and fear-based.


For the embodiment of my Ally, I credit Bruce himself for his acting talent and iconic Hollywood persona. Bruce is not fearless, but only raises valid fears for my consideration. His calm, weathered confidence inspires a sense of safety in any circumstance. He's been there, done that - and he knows I can be there and do that too.

That being said, here's a glimpse of the debate that ensued as I snooped around others' blogs trying to determine whether to start my own:

ME: Hm... this looks kind of fun; I'm thinking about starting a blog.

UMBRIDGE: (Snicker), Now there's an original idea...know anyone who's started a blog lately? Thought you and I had an agreement about jumping aboard crowded bandwagons. Let's take the road a little less trampled, shall we?

BRUCE: I say go for it if you want to; it's a great way to connect with people and it's consistent with your goal to write more.

UMBRIDGE: Yeah, but that's the thing... with your so-called writing... when have you ever EVER written anything that you didn't look back at a year later (sometimes less) and swear to remember to burn it before you die?? I'm just trying to save you some embarrassment here.

BRUCE: Growth and change is part of the fun, isn't it? If we all waited till we've achieved perfect wisdom to start doing what we like, we'd all be, well... kind of like you, Umbridge. Take the risk, V; I like the way you write.

UMBRIDGE: Fine - listen to him if you want, but I still think you're going to have multiple offers for a free psychiatric consultation the second you post anything for public viewing.

BRUCE: I guess that's a possibility... but we all get a little crazy once in awhile. Once, I drove this huge semi up a crumbling highway ramp with a stealth bomber right on my tai...

UMBRIDGE: Oh please, Bruce - if she can even get a photo of herself on her 'About Me' link, then we'll talk about exactly who is and who isn't cra...

ME: Okay - thanks for your input, guys. Bruce, thanks for the encouragement. Take a seat, Umbridge; I'm gonna start a blog today.

P.S. Any of you experts know how to get a picture on the 'About Me' link? :-)


Swirlingeddy said...

I love it!!! As your husband, I'll take all the insight into your head that I can get :). I, and the rest of the world, have been longing for more of your writing. Love you . . .

Jeremy said...

Hey Sis, bout time you let me into your head, it has been a long time. One post and I am already a fan. Keep it up! Although Bruce is a scary name for an ally!

Emunah said...

I love this! How fun & creative to have the John McLane and Umbridge voices. I hope that'll be a regular feature. And I think your mind is just begging to be blogged, or maybe my mind is begging your mind to blog. In that case, I got my wish! Can't wait to read more V thoughts!

zcoffeegirl said...

Way to go, Vonda! I am excited to read all about what is going on up there...type away, my friend.

-V- said...

Okay - still got the training wheels on here. Sometime soon, I'll learn how to respond to an individual comment...

Ed - I'm your biggest fan. 'Bruce' has your MB Type and sounds suspiciously like you. You're in my head way more than you think.

Jer - Do you think Bruce has an imaginary middle name (like some people we know)? Is 'Charles' any better suited? ;-)

Mune - Ed says you have a blog or two... what's your address? Can't wait to see you tomorrow...

theswamphare said...

I'm thrilled to welcome all three of you to the blogosphere! Now you can taunt Kelli for hiding in the weeds; drop references to 'Kristi Noser for President'; laugh and cry with all of us and maybe even join in the blog-coffee and-Breakfast-club.


Emunah said...

Go out with JOY and be lead forth with PEACE - the mountains and the hills will break forth before you...and all the trees of the fields will clap their hands. :)LOVE YOU DEARLY, brave sojourner!

NoOtherName said...

I love that you have pictures of Umbridge and Bruce on here! And I love the creativity of your first post being about whether or not to blog at all.

Can't wait to read more. So glad you're my sweet-and-sometimes-spontaneous friend!

Anonymous said...

Great job Vonda! I'm not at all familiar with blogging, but your page is incredible.
Will I receive automatic updates from you even though I don't have a blog??
Looking forward more....

-V- said...

'Groovy' - I don't think you'll receive automatic updates on my new posts (unless something's set weird). This is all new to me, so I'm not up on all the fancy schmancy subscribe options, etc. But if you check the link once a week or so, I'll try to keep you 'posted'...

kristi noser said...

I have one thing to say about your blog, and Bruce will concur.
Yippie kai yay.

("heh heh heh" kristi slinks off chuckling at her clever comment)

-V- said...

Yippie kai Oooo... Ghost writers in the sky...

erin said...

Welcome to blogdom,Vonda! I find it amusing that Dolores Umbridge is your bully. Mine is more of a Malfoy.
Thanks for the high praise in that email Brandy forwarded to me. : )
Glad you are here.

Carla said...

Welcome Vonda!

www.maxgrace.com said...

I love the concept of a committee inside my head. It reminds me of: “Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?” James 4:1, NKJV. Good stuff, and thanks for the link to my blog.


-V- said...

Bill - thanks for stopping by! God used your sermons on Esther earlier this year in the process of freeing me to embrace this concept (which hasn't been a common theme in sermons I've heard through the years). Especially the part about, "Who made Esther intimidated?... Was it the king?... Was it Haman...? No - it was Esther."

By His grace, I'm learning to take responsibility for my choices, believe the riches and oneness I have in being united with Christ, and give the 'ring of power' to its rightful owner. Thanks for committing your life to serving Jesus; He's using your ministry to change lives up close and from a distance.